Monday, February 1, 2010

Ramble or Rant? Hard to decide

I do not know about other people, but I love when I go to a show and someone I sold rabbits to is there, and they either A.) Beat me with one of my own rabbits. Or B.) Beat me with a rabbit out my my rabbits. It makes me feel proud that I can say, hey I sold them a good rabbit, and they're doing great with it. They also feel like they weren't ripped off. There is a selfish reason to this too I suppose, I mean it gets your name out there saying hey so and so sells great rabbits. Where as if you only ever sell your culls to people it is like oh them they never sell anything good. So what would you rather have as feedback? Postive feedback does wonders for your reputation, and sometimes it is that that makes or breaks you in the show world.

Another thing is, when you see show results for a rabbit, and "Fluffy" Won 3rd. Not a bad placing right? What bugs me is when the person neglects to mention Fluffy won 3rd out of 3 rabbits. It is not being dishonest, because the rabbit did win 3rd, what it is doing, is being misleading. I'm not ashamed to say that one of my rabbits won a 10th place, I am actually very proud of it. He won 10th out of 42 in his class, I consider that a way better placing then 7th out of only 14. Bragging does not bug me at all, heck I have been known to brag a lot. What irks me is when someone starts bragging about a Best of Breed they won, and neglects to mention that that Best of Breed was won by default, being the only breeder with that breed, and only 2 rabbits in that breed were entered. I'm not going to say that rabbit didn't deserve to win, because obviously something has to win (as long as it isn't dq'd) but gloating about winning a BOB when realistically the only person you beat was yourself, just to make yourself look better to potential buyers, well that is low. To each his own, I suppose.

This brings me to shit lists. Yes I have one, lots of people do. Basically it is just a list of people you will not sell rabbits to, not because you're worried about them beating you, but because you are concerned about the welfare of the rabbit you are selling. Mine is very short, and I will not publicly announce anyone on it, I am not out to ruin reputations, I just really care about where my rabbits go. This is not to make anyone suspicious, or paranoid, but if you are reading this the chances are you are not on my list.

I am not trying to be mean to people, or judgmental but when I get an e-mail that has words purposely misspelled, or lacking any form of grammar, the first thing that comes to mind is: if they cannot take the care to write a simple e-mail, can I expect them to take care of a rabbit? Unintentionally misspelled words are fine, not every one is perfect, and I'm not a spelling Nazi, it is just when I get an e-mail like this "u haf ne bunys 4 sale" this makes me cringe, and it also really wants to make me reply "No, but I do have a book on writing in the English language you can borrow." I do not expect a 50 page essay on why you will be the perfect owner for one of my rabbits, just a little care when writing out an e-mail is all I ask for, or else I am expecting some sort of uneducated hillbilly (no offense to the educated hillbillies) to show up at my house, and that thought scares me just a little.

Not to be all cryptic but this just really irritates me :)

1 comment:

Annette said...

this made lots of sense to me.

hope I'm not on your "do not sell to list". :)