Monday, February 1, 2010

colour, colour, colour, BAH

Dude, I love colour, colour makes my world go round, but it doesn't make my rabbitry go round. One thing people notice is, I have a LOT of blacks, so I must love black right? Well, yes I do on a good Mini Rex. Is it my favourite colour? No. Well I get the question, why do you have so many blacks then?

Simple answer, because I am breeding for show rabbits. When I look at a litter I do not decide that I'm keeping the chocolate because I like that colour. That will get you nowhere especially if the chocolate happens to be the worst in the litter. When it comes to choosing a baby out of a litter, I go colour blind, I do not care anything about colour unless I have a tie quality wise between two rabbits, then I will pick the one that is more pleasing to the eye, and that is the only time I let colour come into play.

I would gladly keep an excellent tort otter, over a mediocre chocolate. I may night be able to show it, but I can breed it and get somewhere, instead of running in a circle of having mediocre rabbits because I am driven by colour alone

So you see that someone who has nice rabbits has a litter with the colours you like in it. You immediately jump up and ask for a baby. What happens if that rabbit grows up and simply sucks? Who are you going to blame when the rabbit bombs in shows? The breeder right? After all they sold it to you. When who is really at fault? You, you jumped the gun because you saw a colour you wanted, you did not wait to see if it turned out nice. The breeder cannot control how a rabbit turns out.

So what is my favourite colour? Broken black. Do I have any? No, have I had broken blacks born here? Yes, but they weren't the best, so why would I keep them?

So what is the simple way to buy or select a show rabbit?
1.) Ignore the colour, colour is not your friend.
2.) Age, hang on to those promising Jr's until they mature, or buy a mature rabbit. No surprises about quality then
3.) Read the breed standard, ask questions, get opinions from others.

Looking at colour alone will get you nowhere. Harsh, yeah, but it's the truth.

1 comment:

Annette said...

ACK!!!! but I like colour!!!

how do you see past colour? Colour draws my eye, so how do I figure out how to see beyond colour?

granted at this stage of just starting to get serious I feel like I'm woefully lacking in knowledge and being able to put into actuality what I picture that I want to see in my rabbits.

I often think that I just won't "get it". :)