Thursday, February 18, 2010


I love naming my rabbits. The more unique the better.
Except what if you buy a rabbit, and it has a name you do not particularly like? Or a name you already have in your rabbitry. Is it rude to change it? I know it is different for most people, yes some will always change it, no some will leave it as is.

With my rabbits I tend to name the babies for potential buyers can more easily identify them. It is much easier for someone to say I am interested in "Oasis" then the blue-ish, white-ish, brown-ish one with the most blue-ish out of Mercedes. It is much easier especially when you have two or more of the same colours. The names I give my rabbits are not set in stone, I don't care if you change it to something that suits you more. The tattoo numbers on the other hand are. If I sell a rabbit that is not tattooed I always have a tattoo # listed on the pedigree, and that is the tattoo it will get if you decide to tattoo them. I'm usually good about having them tattooed just sometimes especially if there are no upcoming ARBA shows I tend to overlook it.

For rabbits I buy, if I absolutely don't like the name, or I have had a rabbit with the name before I will change it. Or if I don't know the name until the pedigree arrives I will name it myself. Generally I don't change the names.

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