Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Okay, so I'm really impressed with my current crop of kits.

The just weaned Bruns (7 weeks) are silvering really well, all are between 3.4 and 4lbs. I should expect them to start to thrive, size wise now that they no longer have to compete which each other for food. There are a couple that just really stand out from the rest. Sonata and Prima Donna will be re-bred soon.

With the Mini Rex, Mercedes kits are just phenomenal. The type and fur on these guys is just mind blowing right now. Not to mention they are as friendly as all get out.

Boston's trio is fantastic, the fur is so dense, the bodies nice and compact and the personalities just complete the package.

Sancta Terra has 6 lovely kits all right now are equal quality wise, it will be really hard to decide who stays and who goes, because I cannot keep all 6.

Au Contraire's Kits are feisty little guys and I'm excited to see how they'll turn out.

Meridian's 11 are doing great, I have my eye on a couple right now who are sure to be show stoppers.

Speg, had 4 babies, and they each have a Je Ne C'est quoi about them.