Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Angry Rant (again ) lol !

Ethical = Being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession.

So what is it with the definition of Ethical above? Well it seems to be a forgotten term among people today. I'm not talking about how someone cares about their animal (although I hope they do it well) I'm talking about how they market them. Outwardly lying to buyers is not ethical. Lying about your rabbits on your website is not ethical. Telling people they shouldn't buy from someone because you don't like them personally is not ethical. Basically falsifying anything about the animal your selling is NOT ethical, whether you're lying about weight, or making up a fake pedigree.

Whatever happened to honesty? Raising animals is not a competition over who can sell the most. Sure you can spruce up your add a little by adding in fancy adjectives or going very in depth about the rabbits personality that's not lying that's creative honesty. Lying would be selling a 7lb rabbit to someone claiming it's 3.5lbs or saying it's a rex coat when it's just a regular coat.

An ethical breeder will never claim that a certain colour is *Rare* just to sell an animal. Rare usually means it's an unrecognized colour no one wants, so they're going to pawn it off on the unsuspecting pet owner who thinks that they're getting a great deal on something unique.

Not cool. Not cool at all. There is no good reason to lie about anything.

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