Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just a little update.

I live with a 7 year old Mini Rex buck in my room, he's currently running around like a terror in my parents' and sister's rooms, occasionally stopping back in my room hoping for a treat. His treat of choice? Not the $3.00 pack of yogurt drops I bought for him. Nope, he wants Vanilla Shreddies. He'll do anything for those Shreddies. Rather he knows how to make me give him Shreddies. Having a rabbit lick you is cute right? Not when he's licking your toes while you're trying to work on the computer, and will not stop. Or how about when he climbs my leg, hops into my lap and stick his big ol' mug in my face. If that doesn't work he'll run circles around me and will not stop. I've learned that in order to be a happy owner, you need a happy rabbit. In order to have a happy rabbit you have to appease him and bend to his every whim. Who owns who?

Scarlett's litter. Some of you may not be aware of who Scarlett is, she is a chocolate magpie Harlequin doe. I bought her to be a meat production doe because my Aunt and Grandma are feeding their dogs the RAW diet. I realized that with my Bruns I wouldn't always have a steady supply being that I want to keep some to show, sell some to promote the breed, which leaves me with not very many for meat. So I bought this harlequin doe, Bred her to my Brun buck. She currently has a 3 week old litter of 7. 7 little brown babies 6 does, 1 buck. Except two are slightly different. One has a white streak on his head, the other has what looks like a white VM on her nose which I find interesting. From what I've gathered about the silvering gene in Argents these babies will most likely all be Bruns when they're older.

My First all Brun baby, is starting to get his silvering in. Each time I go out and look at him he has more and more silver. Prima Donna has been re-bred to Santos, and this time I hope for more then one baby.

Next Weekend I'm going to the DR&CBA memorial day auction and meeting. I don't have anything to put in the Auction, since I have pre-sold 5 rabbits leaving at the auction, and have another 5 pre-sold for my first show of the year which will be in St. Hyacinthe Quebec.

I have 2 Mini Rex does due In a week. One has been bred to my Shreddie monster, the other bred to my new buck.

So that's pretty much what is going on right now. The rabbits are definitely enjoying the nice weather. I know I am.

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