Tuesday, March 16, 2010

heh heh oops

Never name your food right? How about never let random strangers passing by know that those 7 fluffy little bunnies on the front deck are going to become food.
My mother wanted to see the Harlequin doe and her litter, so being a nice day I stuck them all out on the front deck since the dogs were out on the back deck. So there they are, a enormous white and brown striped Harlequin doe and 7 solid brown babies all running around like lunatics on the deck. Of course it is going to attract people walking by, it's almost Easter, who can resist baby bunnies? So this lady comes up and starts oohing and awing over them. She asks questions like how old are they, is the striped one the mother, do we own the father...4 weeks, yes, yes... Then the "What are you going to do with them?"
"Eat them, duh." Which I said in my head, I almost said it out loud, almost. I must have stared at the lady awkwardly for a few moments before mumbling something about "pets". Had it been one of my neighbours I would have probably shrugged and said have a nice BBQ. Except I had never seen this lady before, and you just never know who you meet on the streets. It would have been rather daunting to have to explain why anyone would want to eat those cute babies.

All I have to say is, they're not as cuddly as you think.

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