Thursday, February 14, 2008

=( Bad news time.

Yesterday I lost 5 kits, 2 of Bala's got out of the nest box and froze. Nicole lost her entire litter probably from stomping on them. All of this happened within a two hour time period while I was in Midland. Bala's remaining kit has been fostered to smoke baby, and it looks to be a smoke pearl, the other two where a black and siamese sable :( Smoke Baby has 3 +1 peanut of her own 1 REW and 2 blue (the peanut is a lynx). Boston had 3 REW. White seems to be rampant in my rabbitry this year... Dala had 4 DOA yesterday as well all of which where extremely large and what I like to call "Hippo Babies" Which has occurred once before in my rabbitry with Cahira (a mini rex)

On another bad note, Raven might of been bred to the broken opal buck Todd, who I found running free in the rabbitry with her yesterday morning.

On a happier note, I really like the way Cicada's babies are turning out, really great bodies, heads, and wool on them. Same with MoonShadow he is turning out to be a real handsome fellow and should do extremely well in the shows. He also likes to ride on your shoulder like a parrot. this spring. As for Mini Rex if my bucks can hold their coats until the spring shows they should do really well to, especially Ace who seems to get better and better every time I look at him, considering he had to of been the ugliest baby ever, Raven has produced some really nice kits including Emmet who has several BIS's and RIS's under his belt so I'm hoping Ace will do the same.

I decided to keep Arya because she is just an amazing little doe with extraordinary fur and a killer body and she never seems to be out of coat. She should do very well in the shows this year.

The next litters I'll have after Ice Baby's due date won't be born until April when the weather is warmer, and so I can have doe and litters at the Schomberg Spring Fair, which the public loves... who doesn't love a bunch of baby bunnies??


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