Sunday, April 25, 2010

Um Hi. I have no idea what to blog about. I was bored, and figured, hey, why not blog? Well not such a good idea when you really have nothing to talk about.

Um well, I lost another Brun Kit. Sonata is down to 5 babies now, Prima Donna is down to 3, which Sonata is fostering. The thing is with the fostering is, Sonata's kits are all solid chocolate, 2 of PD's have big white streaks on their heads, and well the third doesn't so to tell him apart from Sonata's I coloured on him with Sharpie. He has black on his forehead, his right ear, inside his left ear, on his tail, and on his right hind leg. So if all that gets cleaned off I'm in trouble.

The Wiz is out in the exercise pen again, he loves it there.

Ice T is sleeping under my feet, he has free reign over the entire upstairs, yet you can always find him in the same place, under my computer desk, asleep or eating socks.

There is a week and a half until I have any litters due. 2 weeks until Mini Rex Nationals. So not much going on. I need to go to the feed store tomorrow if that's news?

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