Friday, December 10, 2010

Common questions I receive.

I receive a whole variety of questions on a weekly basis, so I'll be posting some of the more common ones I receive with their answers.

1.) I bought a rabbit with a full pedigree, but when I entered it in a show the judge said (s)he wasn't all that great. I don't understand.

A.) A pedigree does not in any way guarantee that the rabbit is show quality, it is just a record of the rabbits lineage.

2.)Do I need a pedigree to show my rabbit?

A.) No, as long as the rabbit is an accurate representation of the breed you can show it. A Pedigree is not necessary but it helps to have one when trying to sell rabbits for show or brood, and if you wish to register the rabbit a pedigree is required.

3.) I saw a rabbit I really want as a pet, but it is listed as "show quality" can I still inquire about that rabbit.

A.) Yes, often times you'll find show rabbits make excellent pets because they are well socialized from being handled by many different people (judges) at shows, as well as easy travelers. Most "pet qualities" have never left the rabbitry and are only use to certain people handling them.

4.) Can I breed my pet rabbit?

A.) Can you? Yes. Should you? No. There are enough sub-standard rabbits born to show rabbits you don't intentionally need to make more.

5.) If I buy a rabbit from you and breed it; will you take the kits I don't sell?

A.) No. If you choose to breed a rabbit you bought it's your responsibility to look after the kits.

6.) I want to show rabbits where do I start.

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