Sunday, May 16, 2010

Updates, it has been a while.

Seeing as it's been quite sometime since I've posted something. I'll start with litters. I currently have 3 litters on the ground out of Donatello that I am very excited for, they will be prime junior age for shows in September and October, and I have a couple litters due in the beginning of June that will give me some prime juniors for October and November shows.

For a couple of my Does, they're on their last litter here, because I do have several replacements out of them, so they will either be retired to pets, or conditioned back into show shape. For a couple of my show does, they have been retired from shows and have been put into production. So currently my show team consists of 2 Mini Rex bucks, 2 Satin Bucks, and 1 Brun Doe. Extensive isn't it?

New stuff. Well I went to Mini Rex Nationals, mainly to deliver some Bruns, and pick up a new Mini Rex buck, who I had pre-bought and everything. I ended up bringing a couple of rabbits (even though they were molting). They got great comments on their bodies, didn't place to well because of their coats (Figured that would be the case).

I purposely made sure I didn't bring an excess amount of money, because I didn't really need anything seeing as I now have a bunch in the nestbox of course that means I'm going to find something with something I need that fits into my tiny budget...Which I did. I ended up buying a black doe, with 2 legs. For $40.00... that's not it, she's bred to a black otter GC buck. Can you say DEAL?

But, that's not all folks. I get a message, from a friend asking if I can pick up a doe for him, so I do, and she's gorgeous (and if you decide you don't want her, she's more then welcome to stay here...) I also picked up a buck for another friend, and that buck has had a couple dates with a couple of my does, so all in all, I didn't need to spend big bucks for a couple rabbits all I had to do was pick up a couple for other people, and instead of charging a boarding fee, I get a couple breedings, and kits back. Which seems like a win win situation for me.

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