Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New layout

Yeah it's changed (again) the last was just temporary until I finished this one, which I'm really proud of how it turned out. I used a total of six different pictures all taken by me. They've all been cut and stitched together.

On the other news front The babies are all doing great. In Epiphany's kits Ghost Rider (Chestnut) and Elvis Ain't Dead (black) are looking great. Miss Ren has a couple of noisy buggers, but they sure are cute.

4 days till the Royal I'm super excited.

I'm in the process of switching foods to Floradale, and compared to the stuff I'm feeding now (starts with a P, ends with an A) it's amazing, it smells fresh it looks fresh and the rabbits are picking it out and not eating the other stuff.

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