Friday, July 22, 2011

Today is day 15.

My hands are tingling, my teeth feel funny, I have this unquenchable craving to buy rabbits, I feel borderline depressed, and I caught myself petting my blanket. What does this possibly mean? 15 days is the longest I have gone without seeing or touching a real rabbit in over 10 years.

Utter insanity it feels like. So just why haven't I seen a rabbit in 15 days and counting? Well the simple answer is because I moved away from home. About an hour away to be exact and now I no longer have anywhere to keep a rabbit let alone 20+

So now I don't have any rabbits but don't worry they're not all gone. Tristyn still has the Mini Rex and my mom is looking after the remaining Bruns.

So for now I'm rabbitless and there won't be very many litters at all.

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