Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Powassan and Polish.

As you've seen, I know have two Polish. How did that happen you ask?

Well, take a small intimate show (I.e. Powassan) add in a super awesome Polish breeder who thinks everyone should have Polish, multiply that by two really awesome chocolate Polish, then divide by the square root of FREE, then multiply by PI and a breeder who doesn't know what the term "No thanks" means.... wait we're not quite done yet. Then add in a doe and litter, a Polish doe and litter, and there you have your answer.

So in short (For those of you who don't follow the complexity of rabbit math, because in rabbit math 1+1 does not in fact = 2.) Cute+Free+inceredibly gorgeous starting pair from a very enthusiastic breeder = How I came to have Polish.

And they are cute, and friendly and surprisingly addictive.

So anyhow at Powassan, I got Best of Breed and Reserve of Breed Jersey Wooly. Tristyn got Best of Breed Mini Rex and Reserve Fancy and Best by a Youth.

I've also switched feed to Tiz Whiz because I was not impressed with the feed I had been using, the quality has been slowly going down hill as the price sky rocketed. After doing a little math (Normal math) I have determined that Tiz Whiz, is cheaper per pound of food, even if we have to drive a little further and deal with evil sales personal to get it. The other bonus is, the rabbits acutally like it, I've found more and more empty dishes by the morning with no food dug out, and from what I've seen more and more winning rabbits are on the Tiz.

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