Ahhhh ok I should really be selling some rabbits but lately they've just been to nice to sell, take Noirette's entire litter for instance yes they're all bucks but not just ANY bucks they just happen to be three different colours of broken with astounding fur and bodies on them (Just like their mommy) but to top it off they're just so darn friendly I don't want to sell them.
Then there is Nicole's litter sure they're gangly right now and a little bald where Nicole chewed the fur from their heads (It's coming back!!!!) but before they went ugly they where adorable cute and stunning, and they all have their daddy's personality, and Ice T's friendly docile personality seems to be a very prominent thing in his relatives. I swear these babies will love you to death.
On to Boston's simply adorable babies, again Ice T's presence is there even if he is only the great Grandpa of them. There are 2 solid blues one has a smidgit of a vienna mark on his nose the other one appears to have no vienna markings (yay! he can be shown) on to the brokens one broken blue does reminds me of a koi fish. The other broken blue doe somehow reminds me of Odie even though their only relation again is Ice T waaaaaay back. The last broken is a pretty little broken opal, yes I'm surprised to we somehow got an agouti (They like to pop up everywhere!!)
Bala's two siamese sable does are the cutest balls of fluff ever and are like miniature versions of Bruce the Moose who didn't get as big as I thought he would, his ears are just a tad long and he's lost almost all of his baby coat and is now sort of bald.
Dala's litter is still stunning I just wish the blue point doe wasn't a blue point, she's just so stunning yet I can only show her in the DR&CBA shows.
Okie thats all for now I guess, although I'm going to mention mainly due to excitement, that I got a new tent for my birthday (Finally!)